Tuesday 18 March 2014

Pillows for side sleepers

Pillows for side sleepers is an important topic both for people who just want to enjoy a better sleep than they are having as well as for those who are having a sleeping disorder or disruption which can be corrected or partially alleviated using the body position.

This pressure relieving material is sensitive to body temperature and weight. As you rest, the memory foam will softly conform to your contours by taking an impression of your anatomy. The memory foam will automatically adjust to your body temperature and weight as your body stabilizes in its resting place. When equalization between body weight and the elasticity of the memory foam is achieved, your spinal column will be ideally aligned. This greatly minimizes the unwanted side effects of pressure points, which is a benefit unavailable in regular cushions.

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A really cool feature of this pillow

A good pillow is just as important as a good bed for getting a good night’s sleep. Even though we rarely give a lot of thought to the pillows we use, buying the right pillow and positioning it correctly could be one of the most important parts of sleeping success. It is a very comforting feeling to have just the right pillow to rest an achy, tired body on. In addition to providing comfort, the right pillows can also give the necessary support for the neck and spine, alleviating or preventing many common forms of back and neck pain.

A really cool feature of this pillow is that you can actually adjust yourself exactly the amount of softness or firmness you want to have. This is because there is an internal water base layer as a part of the smart construction of the pillow which is not only able to perfectly adjust to the head position, but also gives the possibility of adding or removing the amount of the water thereby resulting in a firmer or softer pillow.

Not surprisingly perhaps 232 buyers gave it a 5 star rating with another 49 a 4 star rating out of the total of 347 which is even slightly above 80% highly recommended reviews, a difficult enough achievement to reach with so many different people to please.

For More Information Visit:- Pillows for side sleepers

Side sleeper pillows cool design

What is a Side Sleeper Pillow?

Side sleeper pillow is often, from the looks of it, just like any other pillow. However, there are some “wacky” or “crazy” designs looking like snakes for example which really do tell that this is not an ordinary pillow.
The main purpose of this pillow is to either create more comfort for people who sleep on their side and sometimes or often feel that their shoulder is getting in the way or they just can’t get comfortable or to help those people who are suffering from conditions like snoring or mild sleep apnea or related sleep disorders where the air passages can be widened due to a different body position.

Next I decided to do some research and see which are the 3 pillows which have gotten the most reviews on Amazon. The thinking is that often people purchase products and don’t bother to leave a review and only if you are really happy or really unhappy you will take your time to go back to the website and write a review. So the more reviews the more passion and if there are a lot of reviews and the average rating is 4 or above stars that already tends to indicate that these side sleeper pillows are really worth looking at.

The first thing to note about this pillow is that 154 out of 244 buyers have rated it 5 stars with another 39 giving it 4 stars making it a whooping 193 out of 244 or 80% of very happy customers. Needless to say this is an amazing achievement and shows that this is a quality product.

For More Information Visit:- Side Sleeper Pillows

Great feature of this pillow

The positive feedbacks are full of “great pillow”, “the best pillow out there”, etc and I was quite amazed actually at the effort that people took in writing quite big chunks of texts praising the pillow and explaining their satisfaction.

Looking at the negative comments it is very easy to see a multitude of complaints about the bad or unpleasant odor coming from the pillow after receiving it, which is actually quite a normal thing to happen and it happens to all the pillows, but I suppose people did not bother to read that you are supposed to air your pillow after receiving it, which is the same instructions, as I said, for any pillow.

For this pillow 152 buyers rated it 5 stars while 54 rated it 4 stars out of a total of 278 customer reviews. Again, a very impressive performance.A really great feature of this pillow is that it is able to respond to the temperature of the body by cooling or heating up due to the special materials it has been made with.

In the positive comments people praise it as expected but also confirm that it is able to stay cool, that it is good for people who have night sweats or hot flashes and that it manages to keep its shape well.

The negative side is mixed between people not appreciating it and again, as we saw already previously a lot of rants about the bad odor, which, as mentioned above, is really not an issue.

Whooping 347 reviews the winner of my little review article is the Mediflow Waterbase Pillow.

For More Information Visit:- Side Sleeper Pillows

Monday 10 March 2014

Side sleeper pillows and a good quality sleep

Choose a pillow that allows air to travel through it and this can be found on a best pillow. Aside from the fact that it provides better cushion to your head, it also assures you a fresher pillow since air can just easily pass through it. Good pillows for side sleepers are just as important as a good bed for getting a good night’s sleep. Even though we rarely give a lot of thought to the pillows we use, buying the right pillow and positioning it correctly could be one of the most important parts of sleeping success.

If you tend to sleep on your side then you are what they call “a side sleeper” and chances are that you may have all kinds of issues with your shoulder. This could be something mild like discomfort and it could complicate over time into pain. Various injuries can be suffered by side sleepers having issues with shoulder for example to do with the rotator cuff. These injuries can even lead to sleep disorders like sleep deprivation or insomnia, because, over time, you might have problems falling asleep due to discomfort and pain or you might have negative consequences if you wake up with poor sleep and pain day after day.

For More Information Visit:- Pillows for side sleepers

Sleep disorders and your quality pillows

Pillows are made to give comfort to our heads while we sleep. Choosing the right pillow is just as important as choosing a balance meal because every choice you make affects your health condition. Getting the right pillow not only helps you avoid back pains, but also helps you achieve sound sleep at night.

The more pressure there is at uncomfortable angles for your body the quicker you will end up with a side sleeper shoulder pain and over time this pain or this experience will most likely turn into a chronic condition which will, like a small fire turning into a large disaster, start to negatively impact your health and development of sleep disorders and your quality of life. Like any chain reaction this will also start affecting your relationships with friends and family and just get worse and worse from something so banal like a sleeping posture.

For More Information Visit:- Pillows for side sleepers

A Pillow Guide For Side Sleepers

This pillow boasts having the most advanced design for a side sleeping pillow. When designing this pillow the major thinking or aim included reduction of snoring, insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea and tension in the head / neck / jaw areas and as these factors were in place during the design of the pillow it would be logical to assume that at least some of the targets were met to one extent or another.

The pillow includes a full facial cradle which aims to reduce the pressure on the ear and jaw. The special design of the pillow with the 12 degree shoulder cradle provides a good solution for spine, neck and head alignment which is critical for preventing snoring. It is claimed that the pillow is used by medical professionals in many countries therefore there is some recognition of the benefits among a number of professionals.

For More Information Visit:- Side Sleeper Pillows

Sleeping position determines which kind of pillow is best

The first thing to look at is your sleeping position. The most common types are stomach sleepers, back sleepers, side sleepers and multi-positional sleepers. As you may have guessed, each sleeping position benefits from certain characteristics in a pillow. 

The pillow is also adjustable because you are able to get different support at different angles of the pillow and you are also able to open the zipper and take out of some of the pieces of the buckwheat and millet hulls which would reduce the height of the support if you wish so. Among side sleeper pillows I believe this is an exceptional feature.

Your sleeping position determines which kind of pillow is best for you but the common factor here is no matter what your favorite sleeping position is, you’d want the pillow that keeps your head in neutral position. Selecting the right pillow is all about finding a pillow that is both comfortable and gives your neck and head the support you need. To find the right pillow there are a few factors that need to be considered:
  • 1. Your sleeping position
  • 2. Your mattress density
  • 3. Your body type
For More Information Visit:- Side Sleeper Pillows